const projects = [ { id: 1, type: 'library', stack: ['typescript'], title: 'Generate Passphrase', description: 'Secure random passphrase for Node.js', repository: '', role: 'author', }, { id: 2, type: 'library', stack: ['go'], title: 'Bob', description: 'SQL query builder as an extension of Squirrel', repository: '', role: 'author', }, { id: 3, type: 'library', stack: ['go'], title: 'PHC Crypto', description: 'Password hashing with Argon2, Bcrypt, Scrypt, and PBKDF2 simplified', repository: '', role: 'author', }, { id: 4, type: 'library', stack: ['typescript'], title: 'Malibu', description: 'Framework-agnostic CSRF middleware for modern Node.js applications', repository: '', role: 'author', }, { id: 5, type: 'application', stack: ['go', 'typescript', 'svelte', 'tailwindcss', 'postgresql', 'redis'], title: 'Jokes Bapak2', description: 'Image API for serving Indonesian dad jokes', repository: '', website: '', role: 'author', }, { id: 6, type: 'library', stack: ['typescript'], title: 'Tinyhttp', description: 'Typescript-based framework as a replacement for Express', repository: '', role: 'contributor', }, { id: 7, type: 'application', stack: ['vuejs', 'tailwindcss'], title: 'ARCET Creative Visual Studio', description: 'Website for ARCET', website: '', role: 'author', }, { id: 8, type: 'application', stack: ['vuejs', 'bootstrap'], title: 'Pesanyuk', description: 'Store-management application for Indonesian small to medium businesses', website: '', role: 'contributor', }, { id: 9, type: 'application', stack: ['javascript', 'redis', 'mongodb'], title: 'Teknologi Umum Bot', description: 'A simple telegram bot for managing daily poll & programming-related quizes', repository: '', role: 'author', }, ]; export default projects;