// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import { createSignal, For, onMount, Show } from 'solid-js'; import anime from 'animejs'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import MadeWithLove from '../components/MadeWithLove'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import Repository from '../components/Repository'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import LinkList from '../components/LinkList'; import getRepositories from '../components/GetRepositories'; const image = { me: 'me.png', }; function Index() { const [repositories, setRepositories] = createSignal({}); const [repoRequest, setRepoRequest] = createSignal(false); const link = [ { link: 'projects', text: 'Projects', subtext: 'See my projects & libraries!', }, { link: 'mailto:aldy505@tutanota.com', text: 'Email', subtext: 'Get in touch!', }, { link: 'https://t.me/aldy505', text: 'Telegram', subtext: 'Another way to get in touch!', }, ]; onMount(async () => { try { const repos = await getRepositories(); setRepositories(repos); setRepoRequest(true); anime({ targets: '.repository', opacity: [ { value: 0, duration: 500, delay: 500 }, { value: 100, duration: 4000 }, ], translateY: [ { value: 800, duration: 500, delay: 800 }, { value: 0, duration: 4000 }, ], }); } catch { setRepoRequest(false); } }); return (
Not a CS student, don't work in IT industry, but most of the time I do web development. Always love to be working on a cool project 😉