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2023-09-10 10:55:27 +00:00
overview: |
Lambdas are a special-cased data type for use in interpolations and
When used as the data value for an Interpolation tag, the lambda MUST be
treatable as an arity 0 function, and invoked as such. The returned value
MUST be rendered against the default delimiters, then interpolated in place
of the lambda.
When used as the data value for a Section tag, the lambda MUST be treatable
as an arity 1 function, and invoked as such (passing a String containing the
unprocessed section contents). The returned value MUST be rendered against
the current delimiters, then interpolated in place of the section.
- name: Interpolation
desc: A lambda's return value should be interpolated.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { "world" }'
raku: 'sub { "world" }'
perl: 'sub { "world" }'
js: 'function() { return "world" }'
php: 'return "world";'
python: 'lambda: "world"'
clojure: '(fn [] "world")'
lisp: '(lambda () "world")'
pwsh: '"world"'
template: "Hello, {{lambda}}!"
expected: "Hello, world!"
- name: Interpolation - Expansion
desc: A lambda's return value should be parsed.
planet: "world"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { "{{planet}}" }'
raku: 'sub { q+{{planet}}+ }'
perl: 'sub { "{{planet}}" }'
js: 'function() { return "{{planet}}" }'
php: 'return "{{planet}}";'
python: 'lambda: "{{planet}}"'
clojure: '(fn [] "{{planet}}")'
lisp: '(lambda () "{{planet}}")'
pwsh: '"{{planet}}"'
template: "Hello, {{lambda}}!"
expected: "Hello, world!"
- name: Interpolation - Alternate Delimiters
desc: A lambda's return value should parse with the default delimiters.
planet: "world"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { "|planet| => {{planet}}" }'
raku: 'sub { q+|planet| => {{planet}}+ }'
perl: 'sub { "|planet| => {{planet}}" }'
js: 'function() { return "|planet| => {{planet}}" }'
php: 'return "|planet| => {{planet}}";'
python: 'lambda: "|planet| => {{planet}}"'
clojure: '(fn [] "|planet| => {{planet}}")'
lisp: '(lambda () "|planet| => {{planet}}")'
pwsh: '"|planet| => {{planet}}"'
template: "{{= | | =}}\nHello, (|&lambda|)!"
expected: "Hello, (|planet| => world)!"
- name: Interpolation - Multiple Calls
desc: Interpolated lambdas should not be cached.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { $calls ||= 0; $calls += 1 }'
raku: 'sub { state $calls += 1 }'
perl: 'sub { no strict; $calls += 1 }'
js: 'function() { return (g=(function(){return this})()).calls=(g.calls||0)+1 }'
php: 'global $calls; return ++$calls;'
python: 'lambda: globals().update(calls=globals().get("calls",0)+1) or calls'
clojure: '(def g (atom 0)) (fn [] (swap! g inc))'
lisp: '(let ((g 0)) (lambda () (incf g)))'
pwsh: 'if (($null -eq $script:calls) -or ($script:calls -ge 3)){$script:calls=0}; ++$script:calls; $script:calls'
template: '{{lambda}} == {{{lambda}}} == {{lambda}}'
expected: '1 == 2 == 3'
- name: Escaping
desc: Lambda results should be appropriately escaped.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { ">" }'
raku: 'sub { ">" }'
perl: 'sub { ">" }'
js: 'function() { return ">" }'
php: 'return ">";'
python: 'lambda: ">"'
clojure: '(fn [] ">")'
lisp: '(lambda () ">")'
pwsh: '">"'
template: "<{{lambda}}{{{lambda}}}"
expected: "<&gt;>"
- name: Section
desc: Lambdas used for sections should receive the raw section string.
x: 'Error!'
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| text == "{{x}}" ? "yes" : "no" }'
raku: 'sub { $^section eq q+{{x}}+ ?? "yes" !! "no" }'
perl: 'sub { $_[0] eq "{{x}}" ? "yes" : "no" }'
js: 'function(txt) { return (txt == "{{x}}" ? "yes" : "no") }'
php: 'return ($text == "{{x}}") ? "yes" : "no";'
python: 'lambda text: text == "{{x}}" and "yes" or "no"'
clojure: '(fn [text] (if (= text "{{x}}") "yes" "no"))'
lisp: '(lambda (text) (if (string= text "{{x}}") "yes" "no"))'
pwsh: 'if ($args[0] -eq "{{x}}") {"yes"} else {"no"}'
template: "<{{#lambda}}{{x}}{{/lambda}}>"
expected: "<yes>"
- name: Section - Expansion
desc: Lambdas used for sections should have their results parsed.
planet: "Earth"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| "#{text}{{planet}}#{text}" }'
raku: 'sub { $^section ~ q+{{planet}}+ ~ $^section }'
perl: 'sub { $_[0] . "{{planet}}" . $_[0] }'
js: 'function(txt) { return txt + "{{planet}}" + txt }'
php: 'return $text . "{{planet}}" . $text;'
python: 'lambda text: "%s{{planet}}%s" % (text, text)'
clojure: '(fn [text] (str text "{{planet}}" text))'
lisp: '(lambda (text) (format nil "~a{{planet}}~a" text text))'
pwsh: '"$($args[0]){{planet}}$($args[0])"'
template: "<{{#lambda}}-{{/lambda}}>"
expected: "<-Earth->"
- name: Section - Alternate Delimiters
desc: Lambdas used for sections should parse with the current delimiters.
planet: "Earth"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| "#{text}{{planet}} => |planet|#{text}" }'
raku: 'sub { $^section ~ q+{{planet}} => |planet|+ ~ $^section }'
perl: 'sub { $_[0] . "{{planet}} => |planet|" . $_[0] }'
js: 'function(txt) { return txt + "{{planet}} => |planet|" + txt }'
php: 'return $text . "{{planet}} => |planet|" . $text;'
python: 'lambda text: "%s{{planet}} => |planet|%s" % (text, text)'
clojure: '(fn [text] (str text "{{planet}} => |planet|" text))'
lisp: '(lambda (text) (format nil "~a{{planet}} => |planet|~a" text text))'
pwsh: '"$($args[0]){{planet}} => |planet|$($args[0])"'
template: "{{= | | =}}<|#lambda|-|/lambda|>"
expected: "<-{{planet}} => Earth->"
- name: Section - Multiple Calls
desc: Lambdas used for sections should not be cached.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| "__#{text}__" }'
raku: 'sub { "__" ~ $^section ~ "__" }'
perl: 'sub { "__" . $_[0] . "__" }'
js: 'function(txt) { return "__" + txt + "__" }'
php: 'return "__" . $text . "__";'
python: 'lambda text: "__%s__" % (text)'
clojure: '(fn [text] (str "__" text "__"))'
lisp: '(lambda (text) (format nil "__~a__" text))'
pwsh: '"__$($args[0])__"'
template: '{{#lambda}}FILE{{/lambda}} != {{#lambda}}LINE{{/lambda}}'
expected: '__FILE__ != __LINE__'
- name: Inverted Section
desc: Lambdas used for inverted sections should be considered truthy.
static: 'static'
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| false }'
raku: 'sub { 0 }'
perl: 'sub { 0 }'
js: 'function(txt) { return false }'
php: 'return false;'
python: 'lambda text: 0'
clojure: '(fn [text] false)'
lisp: '(lambda (text) (declare (ignore text)) nil)'
pwsh: '$false'
template: "<{{^lambda}}{{static}}{{/lambda}}>"
expected: "<>"