650 lines
14 KiB
650 lines
14 KiB
package handlebarsjs
import (
// Those tests come from:
// https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/blob/master/spec/basic.js
var basicTests = []Test{
"most basic",
map[string]string{"foo": "foo"},
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping (1)",
map[string]string{"foo": "food"},
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping (2)",
"content \\{{foo}}",
nil, nil, nil,
"content {{foo}}",
"escaping (3)",
map[string]string{"foo": "food"},
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping (4)",
"content \\\\{{foo}}",
map[string]string{"foo": "food"},
nil, nil, nil,
"content \\food",
"escaping (5)",
"\\\\ {{foo}}",
map[string]string{"foo": "food"},
nil, nil, nil,
"\\\\ food",
"compiling with a basic context",
map[string]string{"cruel": "cruel", "world": "world"},
nil, nil, nil,
"compiling with an undefined context (1)",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
"compiling with an undefined context (2)",
"{{#unless foo}}Goodbye{{../test}}{{test2}}{{/unless}}",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
"comments (1)",
"{{! Goodbye}}Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{world}}!",
map[string]string{"cruel": "cruel", "world": "world"},
nil, nil, nil,
"comments (2)",
" {{~! comment ~}} blah",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
"comments (3)",
" {{~!-- long-comment --~}} blah",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
"comments (4)",
" {{! comment ~}} blah",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
" blah",
"comments (5)",
" {{!-- long-comment --~}} blah",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
" blah",
"comments (6)",
" {{~! comment}} blah",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
" blah",
"comments (7)",
" {{~!-- long-comment --}} blah",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
" blah",
"boolean (1)",
"{{#goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/goodbye}}cruel {{world}}!",
map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": true, "world": "world"},
nil, nil, nil,
"GOODBYE cruel world!",
"boolean (2)",
"{{#goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/goodbye}}cruel {{world}}!",
map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": false, "world": "world"},
nil, nil, nil,
"cruel world!",
"zeros (1)",
"num1: {{num1}}, num2: {{num2}}",
map[string]interface{}{"num1": 42, "num2": 0},
nil, nil, nil,
"num1: 42, num2: 0",
"zeros (2)",
"num: {{.}}",
nil, nil, nil,
"num: 0",
"zeros (3)",
"num: {{num1/num2}}",
map[string]map[string]interface{}{"num1": {"num2": 0}},
nil, nil, nil,
"num: 0",
"false (1)",
"val1: {{val1}}, val2: {{val2}}",
map[string]interface{}{"val1": false, "val2": false},
nil, nil, nil,
"val1: false, val2: false",
"false (2)",
"val: {{.}}",
nil, nil, nil,
"val: false",
"false (3)",
"val: {{val1/val2}}",
map[string]map[string]interface{}{"val1": {"val2": false}},
nil, nil, nil,
"val: false",
"false (4)",
"val1: {{{val1}}}, val2: {{{val2}}}",
map[string]interface{}{"val1": false, "val2": false},
nil, nil, nil,
"val1: false, val2: false",
"false (5)",
"val: {{{val1/val2}}}",
map[string]map[string]interface{}{"val1": {"val2": false}},
nil, nil, nil,
"val: false",
"newlines (1)",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
"newlines (2)",
nil, nil, nil, nil,
"escaping text (1)",
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping text (2)",
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping text (3)",
"Awesome\\\\ foo",
nil, nil, nil,
"Awesome\\\\ foo",
"escaping text (4)",
"Awesome {{foo}}",
map[string]string{"foo": "\\"},
nil, nil, nil,
"Awesome \\",
"escaping text (5)",
" ' ' ",
nil, nil, nil,
" ' ' ",
"escaping expressions (6)",
map[string]string{"awesome": "&'\\<>"},
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping expressions (7)",
map[string]string{"awesome": "&'\\<>"},
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping expressions (8)",
map[string]string{"awesome": "&\"'`\\<>"},
nil, nil, nil,
"escaping expressions (9)",
map[string]string{"awesome": "Escaped, <b> looks like: <b>"},
nil, nil, nil,
"Escaped, <b> looks like: &lt;b&gt;",
"functions returning safestrings shouldn't be escaped",
map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func() handlebars.SafeString { return handlebars.SafeString("&'\\<>") }},
nil, nil, nil,
"functions (1)",
map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func() string { return "Awesome" }},
nil, nil, nil,
"functions (2)",
map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) string {
return options.ValueStr("more")
}, "more": "More awesome"},
nil, nil, nil,
"More awesome",
"functions with context argument",
"{{awesome frank}}",
map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context string) string {
return context
}, "frank": "Frank"},
nil, nil, nil,
"pathed functions with context argument",
"{{bar.awesome frank}}",
map[string]interface{}{"bar": map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context string) string {
return context
}}, "frank": "Frank"},
nil, nil, nil,
"depthed functions with context argument",
"{{#with frank}}{{../awesome .}}{{/with}}",
map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context string) string {
return context
}, "frank": "Frank"},
nil, nil, nil,
"block functions with context argument",
"{{#awesome 1}}inner {{.}}{{/awesome}}",
map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context interface{}, options *handlebars.Options) string {
return options.FnWith(context)
nil, nil, nil,
"inner 1",
"depthed block functions with context argument",
"{{#with value}}{{#../awesome 1}}inner {{.}}{{/../awesome}}{{/with}}",
"awesome": func(context interface{}, options *handlebars.Options) string {
return options.FnWith(context)
"value": true,
nil, nil, nil,
"inner 1",
"block functions without context argument",
"awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) string {
return options.Fn()
nil, nil, nil,
// // @note I don't even understand why this test passes with the JS implementation... it should be
// // the responsability of the function to evaluate the block
// {
// "pathed block functions without context argument",
// "{{#foo.awesome}}inner{{/foo.awesome}}",
// map[string]map[string]interface{}{
// "foo": {
// "awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) interface{} {
// return options.Ctx()
// },
// },
// },
// nil, nil, nil,
// "inner",
// },
// // @note I don't even understand why this test passes with the JS implementation... it should be
// // the responsability of the function to evaluate the block
// {
// "depthed block functions without context argument",
// "{{#with value}}{{#../awesome}}inner{{/../awesome}}{{/with}}",
// map[string]interface{}{
// "value": true,
// "awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) interface{} {
// return options.Ctx()
// },
// },
// nil, nil, nil,
// "inner",
// },
"paths with hyphens (1)",
map[string]string{"foo-bar": "baz"},
nil, nil, nil,
"paths with hyphens (2)",
map[string]map[string]string{"foo": {"foo-bar": "baz"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"paths with hyphens (3)",
map[string]map[string]string{"foo": {"foo-bar": "baz"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"nested paths",
"Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!",
map[string]map[string]string{"alan": {"expression": "beautiful"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"Goodbye beautiful world!",
"nested paths with empty string value",
"Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!",
map[string]map[string]string{"alan": {"expression": ""}},
nil, nil, nil,
"Goodbye world!",
"literal paths (1)",
"Goodbye {{[@alan]/expression}} world!",
map[string]map[string]string{"@alan": {"expression": "beautiful"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"Goodbye beautiful world!",
"literal paths (2)",
"Goodbye {{[foo bar]/expression}} world!",
map[string]map[string]string{"foo bar": {"expression": "beautiful"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"Goodbye beautiful world!",
"literal references",
"Goodbye {{[foo bar]}} world!",
map[string]string{"foo bar": "beautiful"},
nil, nil, nil,
"Goodbye beautiful world!",
// @note MMm ok, well... no... I don't see the purpose of that test
"that current context path ({{.}}) doesn't hit helpers",
"test: {{.}}",
nil, nil,
map[string]interface{}{"helper": func() string {
"test: ",
"complex but empty paths (1)",
map[string]map[string]interface{}{"person": {"name": nil}},
nil, nil, nil,
"complex but empty paths (2)",
map[string]map[string]string{"person": {}},
nil, nil, nil,
"this keyword in paths (1)",
map[string]interface{}{"goodbyes": []string{"goodbye", "Goodbye", "GOODBYE"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"this keyword in paths (2)",
map[string]interface{}{"hellos": []interface{}{
map[string]string{"text": "hello"},
map[string]string{"text": "Hello"},
map[string]string{"text": "HELLO"},
nil, nil, nil,
"this keyword nested inside path' (1)",
map[string]string{"this": "bar"},
nil, nil, nil,
"this keyword nested inside path' (2)",
map[string]map[string]string{"text": {"this": "bar"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"this keyword in helpers (1)",
"{{#goodbyes}}{{foo this}}{{/goodbyes}}",
map[string]interface{}{"goodbyes": []string{"goodbye", "Goodbye", "GOODBYE"}},
map[string]interface{}{"foo": barSuffixHelper},
"bar goodbyebar Goodbyebar GOODBYE",
"this keyword in helpers (2)",
"{{#hellos}}{{foo this/text}}{{/hellos}}",
map[string]interface{}{"hellos": []map[string]string{{"text": "hello"}, {"text": "Hello"}, {"text": "HELLO"}}},
map[string]interface{}{"foo": barSuffixHelper},
"bar hellobar Hellobar HELLO",
"this keyword nested inside helpers param (1)",
"{{foo [this]}}",
map[string]interface{}{"this": "bar"},
map[string]interface{}{"foo": echoHelper},
"this keyword nested inside helpers param (2)",
"{{foo text/[this]}}",
map[string]map[string]string{"text": {"this": "bar"}},
map[string]interface{}{"foo": echoHelper},
"pass string literals (1)",
nil, nil, nil,
"pass string literals (2)",
map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
nil, nil, nil,
"pass string literals (3)",
map[string]interface{}{"foo": []string{"bar", "baz"}},
nil, nil, nil,
"pass number literals (1)",
nil, nil, nil,
"pass number literals (2)",
map[string]string{"12": "bar"},
nil, nil, nil,
"pass number literals (3)",
nil, nil, nil,
"pass number literals (4)",
map[string]string{"12.34": "bar"},
nil, nil, nil,
"pass number literals (5)",
"{{12.34 1}}",
map[string]interface{}{"12.34": func(context string) string {
return "bar" + context
nil, nil, nil,
"pass boolean literals (1)",
nil, nil, nil,
"pass boolean literals (2)",
map[string]string{"": "foo"},
nil, nil, nil,
"pass boolean literals (3)",
map[string]string{"false": "foo"},
nil, nil, nil,
"should handle literals in subexpression",
"{{foo (false)}}",
map[string]interface{}{"false": func() string { return "bar" }},
map[string]interface{}{"foo": func(context string) string {
return context
func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
launchTests(t, basicTests)
func TestBasicErrors(t *testing.T) {
var err error
inputs := []string{
// this keyword nested inside path
// this keyword nested inside helpers param
"{{#hellos}}{{foo text/this/foo}}{{/hellos}}",
expectedError := regexp.QuoteMeta("Invalid path: text/this")
for _, input := range inputs {
_, err = handlebars.Parse(input)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Test failed - Error expected")
match, errMatch := regexp.MatchString(expectedError, fmt.Sprint(err))
if errMatch != nil {
panic("Failed to match regexp")
if !match {
t.Errorf("Test failed - Expected error:\n\t%s\n\nGot:\n\t%s", expectedError, err)