package handlebarsjs import ( "fmt" "regexp" "testing" "" ) // Those tests come from: // // var basicTests = []Test{ { "most basic", "{{foo}}", map[string]string{"foo": "foo"}, nil, nil, nil, "foo", }, { "escaping (1)", "\\{{foo}}", map[string]string{"foo": "food"}, nil, nil, nil, "{{foo}}", }, { "escaping (2)", "content \\{{foo}}", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "content {{foo}}", }, { "escaping (3)", "\\\\{{foo}}", map[string]string{"foo": "food"}, nil, nil, nil, "\\food", }, { "escaping (4)", "content \\\\{{foo}}", map[string]string{"foo": "food"}, nil, nil, nil, "content \\food", }, { "escaping (5)", "\\\\ {{foo}}", map[string]string{"foo": "food"}, nil, nil, nil, "\\\\ food", }, { "compiling with a basic context", "Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{world}}!", map[string]string{"cruel": "cruel", "world": "world"}, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye\ncruel\nworld!", }, { "compiling with an undefined context (1)", "Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{}}!", nil, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye\n\n!", }, { "compiling with an undefined context (2)", "{{#unless foo}}Goodbye{{../test}}{{test2}}{{/unless}}", nil, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye", }, { "comments (1)", "{{! Goodbye}}Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{world}}!", map[string]string{"cruel": "cruel", "world": "world"}, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye\ncruel\nworld!", }, { "comments (2)", " {{~! comment ~}} blah", nil, nil, nil, nil, "blah", }, { "comments (3)", " {{~!-- long-comment --~}} blah", nil, nil, nil, nil, "blah", }, { "comments (4)", " {{! comment ~}} blah", nil, nil, nil, nil, " blah", }, { "comments (5)", " {{!-- long-comment --~}} blah", nil, nil, nil, nil, " blah", }, { "comments (6)", " {{~! comment}} blah", nil, nil, nil, nil, " blah", }, { "comments (7)", " {{~!-- long-comment --}} blah", nil, nil, nil, nil, " blah", }, { "boolean (1)", "{{#goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/goodbye}}cruel {{world}}!", map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": true, "world": "world"}, nil, nil, nil, "GOODBYE cruel world!", }, { "boolean (2)", "{{#goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/goodbye}}cruel {{world}}!", map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": false, "world": "world"}, nil, nil, nil, "cruel world!", }, { "zeros (1)", "num1: {{num1}}, num2: {{num2}}", map[string]interface{}{"num1": 42, "num2": 0}, nil, nil, nil, "num1: 42, num2: 0", }, { "zeros (2)", "num: {{.}}", 0, nil, nil, nil, "num: 0", }, { "zeros (3)", "num: {{num1/num2}}", map[string]map[string]interface{}{"num1": {"num2": 0}}, nil, nil, nil, "num: 0", }, { "false (1)", "val1: {{val1}}, val2: {{val2}}", map[string]interface{}{"val1": false, "val2": false}, nil, nil, nil, "val1: false, val2: false", }, { "false (2)", "val: {{.}}", false, nil, nil, nil, "val: false", }, { "false (3)", "val: {{val1/val2}}", map[string]map[string]interface{}{"val1": {"val2": false}}, nil, nil, nil, "val: false", }, { "false (4)", "val1: {{{val1}}}, val2: {{{val2}}}", map[string]interface{}{"val1": false, "val2": false}, nil, nil, nil, "val1: false, val2: false", }, { "false (5)", "val: {{{val1/val2}}}", map[string]map[string]interface{}{"val1": {"val2": false}}, nil, nil, nil, "val: false", }, { "newlines (1)", "Alan's\nTest", nil, nil, nil, nil, "Alan's\nTest", }, { "newlines (2)", "Alan's\rTest", nil, nil, nil, nil, "Alan's\rTest", }, { "escaping text (1)", "Awesome's", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "Awesome's", }, { "escaping text (2)", "Awesome\\", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "Awesome\\", }, { "escaping text (3)", "Awesome\\\\ foo", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "Awesome\\\\ foo", }, { "escaping text (4)", "Awesome {{foo}}", map[string]string{"foo": "\\"}, nil, nil, nil, "Awesome \\", }, { "escaping text (5)", " ' ' ", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, " ' ' ", }, { "escaping expressions (6)", "{{{awesome}}}", map[string]string{"awesome": "&'\\<>"}, nil, nil, nil, "&'\\<>", }, { "escaping expressions (7)", "{{&awesome}}", map[string]string{"awesome": "&'\\<>"}, nil, nil, nil, "&'\\<>", }, { "escaping expressions (8)", "{{awesome}}", map[string]string{"awesome": "&\"'`\\<>"}, nil, nil, nil, "&"'`\\<>", }, { "escaping expressions (9)", "{{awesome}}", map[string]string{"awesome": "Escaped, looks like: <b>"}, nil, nil, nil, "Escaped, <b> looks like: &lt;b&gt;", }, { "functions returning safestrings shouldn't be escaped", "{{awesome}}", map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func() handlebars.SafeString { return handlebars.SafeString("&'\\<>") }}, nil, nil, nil, "&'\\<>", }, { "functions (1)", "{{awesome}}", map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func() string { return "Awesome" }}, nil, nil, nil, "Awesome", }, { "functions (2)", "{{awesome}}", map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.ValueStr("more") }, "more": "More awesome"}, nil, nil, nil, "More awesome", }, { "functions with context argument", "{{awesome frank}}", map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context string) string { return context }, "frank": "Frank"}, nil, nil, nil, "Frank", }, { "pathed functions with context argument", "{{bar.awesome frank}}", map[string]interface{}{"bar": map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context string) string { return context }}, "frank": "Frank"}, nil, nil, nil, "Frank", }, { "depthed functions with context argument", "{{#with frank}}{{../awesome .}}{{/with}}", map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context string) string { return context }, "frank": "Frank"}, nil, nil, nil, "Frank", }, { "block functions with context argument", "{{#awesome 1}}inner {{.}}{{/awesome}}", map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(context interface{}, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.FnWith(context) }}, nil, nil, nil, "inner 1", }, { "depthed block functions with context argument", "{{#with value}}{{#../awesome 1}}inner {{.}}{{/../awesome}}{{/with}}", map[string]interface{}{ "awesome": func(context interface{}, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.FnWith(context) }, "value": true, }, nil, nil, nil, "inner 1", }, { "block functions without context argument", "{{#awesome}}inner{{/awesome}}", map[string]interface{}{ "awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.Fn() }, }, nil, nil, nil, "inner", }, // // @note I don't even understand why this test passes with the JS implementation... it should be // // the responsability of the function to evaluate the block // { // "pathed block functions without context argument", // "{{#foo.awesome}}inner{{/foo.awesome}}", // map[string]map[string]interface{}{ // "foo": { // "awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) interface{} { // return options.Ctx() // }, // }, // }, // nil, nil, nil, // "inner", // }, // // @note I don't even understand why this test passes with the JS implementation... it should be // // the responsability of the function to evaluate the block // { // "depthed block functions without context argument", // "{{#with value}}{{#../awesome}}inner{{/../awesome}}{{/with}}", // map[string]interface{}{ // "value": true, // "awesome": func(options *handlebars.Options) interface{} { // return options.Ctx() // }, // }, // nil, nil, nil, // "inner", // }, { "paths with hyphens (1)", "{{foo-bar}}", map[string]string{"foo-bar": "baz"}, nil, nil, nil, "baz", }, { "paths with hyphens (2)", "{{}}", map[string]map[string]string{"foo": {"foo-bar": "baz"}}, nil, nil, nil, "baz", }, { "paths with hyphens (3)", "{{foo/foo-bar}}", map[string]map[string]string{"foo": {"foo-bar": "baz"}}, nil, nil, nil, "baz", }, { "nested paths", "Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!", map[string]map[string]string{"alan": {"expression": "beautiful"}}, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye beautiful world!", }, { "nested paths with empty string value", "Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!", map[string]map[string]string{"alan": {"expression": ""}}, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye world!", }, { "literal paths (1)", "Goodbye {{[@alan]/expression}} world!", map[string]map[string]string{"@alan": {"expression": "beautiful"}}, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye beautiful world!", }, { "literal paths (2)", "Goodbye {{[foo bar]/expression}} world!", map[string]map[string]string{"foo bar": {"expression": "beautiful"}}, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye beautiful world!", }, { "literal references", "Goodbye {{[foo bar]}} world!", map[string]string{"foo bar": "beautiful"}, nil, nil, nil, "Goodbye beautiful world!", }, // @note MMm ok, well... no... I don't see the purpose of that test { "that current context path ({{.}}) doesn't hit helpers", "test: {{.}}", nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"helper": func() string { panic("fail") }}, nil, "test: ", }, { "complex but empty paths (1)", "{{person/name}}", map[string]map[string]interface{}{"person": {"name": nil}}, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "complex but empty paths (2)", "{{person/name}}", map[string]map[string]string{"person": {}}, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "this keyword in paths (1)", "{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}", map[string]interface{}{"goodbyes": []string{"goodbye", "Goodbye", "GOODBYE"}}, nil, nil, nil, "goodbyeGoodbyeGOODBYE", }, { "this keyword in paths (2)", "{{#hellos}}{{this/text}}{{/hellos}}", map[string]interface{}{"hellos": []interface{}{ map[string]string{"text": "hello"}, map[string]string{"text": "Hello"}, map[string]string{"text": "HELLO"}, }}, nil, nil, nil, "helloHelloHELLO", }, { "this keyword nested inside path' (1)", "{{[this]}}", map[string]string{"this": "bar"}, nil, nil, nil, "bar", }, { "this keyword nested inside path' (2)", "{{text/[this]}}", map[string]map[string]string{"text": {"this": "bar"}}, nil, nil, nil, "bar", }, { "this keyword in helpers (1)", "{{#goodbyes}}{{foo this}}{{/goodbyes}}", map[string]interface{}{"goodbyes": []string{"goodbye", "Goodbye", "GOODBYE"}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"foo": barSuffixHelper}, nil, "bar goodbyebar Goodbyebar GOODBYE", }, { "this keyword in helpers (2)", "{{#hellos}}{{foo this/text}}{{/hellos}}", map[string]interface{}{"hellos": []map[string]string{{"text": "hello"}, {"text": "Hello"}, {"text": "HELLO"}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"foo": barSuffixHelper}, nil, "bar hellobar Hellobar HELLO", }, { "this keyword nested inside helpers param (1)", "{{foo [this]}}", map[string]interface{}{"this": "bar"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"foo": echoHelper}, nil, "bar", }, { "this keyword nested inside helpers param (2)", "{{foo text/[this]}}", map[string]map[string]string{"text": {"this": "bar"}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"foo": echoHelper}, nil, "bar", }, { "pass string literals (1)", `{{"foo"}}`, map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "pass string literals (2)", `{{"foo"}}`, map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, nil, nil, nil, "bar", }, { "pass string literals (3)", `{{#"foo"}}{{.}}{{/"foo"}}`, map[string]interface{}{"foo": []string{"bar", "baz"}}, nil, nil, nil, "barbaz", }, { "pass number literals (1)", "{{12}}", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "pass number literals (2)", "{{12}}", map[string]string{"12": "bar"}, nil, nil, nil, "bar", }, { "pass number literals (3)", "{{12.34}}", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "pass number literals (4)", "{{12.34}}", map[string]string{"12.34": "bar"}, nil, nil, nil, "bar", }, { "pass number literals (5)", "{{12.34 1}}", map[string]interface{}{"12.34": func(context string) string { return "bar" + context }}, nil, nil, nil, "bar1", }, { "pass boolean literals (1)", "{{true}}", map[string]string{}, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "pass boolean literals (2)", "{{true}}", map[string]string{"": "foo"}, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "pass boolean literals (3)", "{{false}}", map[string]string{"false": "foo"}, nil, nil, nil, "foo", }, { "should handle literals in subexpression", "{{foo (false)}}", map[string]interface{}{"false": func() string { return "bar" }}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"foo": func(context string) string { return context }}, nil, "bar", }, } func TestBasic(t *testing.T) { launchTests(t, basicTests) } func TestBasicErrors(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var err error inputs := []string{ // this keyword nested inside path "{{#hellos}}{{text/this/foo}}{{/hellos}}", // this keyword nested inside helpers param "{{#hellos}}{{foo text/this/foo}}{{/hellos}}", } expectedError := regexp.QuoteMeta("Invalid path: text/this") for _, input := range inputs { _, err = handlebars.Parse(input) if err == nil { t.Errorf("Test failed - Error expected") } match, errMatch := regexp.MatchString(expectedError, fmt.Sprint(err)) if errMatch != nil { panic("Failed to match regexp") } if !match { t.Errorf("Test failed - Expected error:\n\t%s\n\nGot:\n\t%s", expectedError, err) } } }