package handlebarsjs import ( "testing" "" ) // Those tests come from: // // var dataTests = []Test{ { "passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with helpers", "{{hello}}", map[string]string{"noun": "cat"}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy"}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.DataStr("adjective") + " " + options.ValueStr("noun") }}, nil, "happy cat", }, { "data can be looked up via @foo", "{{@hello}}", nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": "hello"}, nil, nil, "hello", }, { "deep @foo triggers automatic top-level data", `{{#let world="world"}}{{#if foo}}{{#if foo}}Hello {{@world}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{/let}}`, map[string]bool{"foo": true}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": "hello"}, map[string]interface{}{"let": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { frame := options.NewDataFrame() for k, v := range options.Hash() { frame.Set(k, v) } return options.FnData(frame) }}, nil, "Hello world", }, { "parameter data can be looked up via @foo", `{{hello @world}}`, nil, map[string]interface{}{"world": "world"}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(context string) string { return "Hello " + context }}, nil, "Hello world", }, { "hash values can be looked up via @foo", `{{hello noun=@world}}`, nil, map[string]interface{}{"world": "world"}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return "Hello " + options.HashStr("noun") }}, nil, "Hello world", }, { "nested parameter data can be looked up via", `{{hello}}`, nil, map[string]interface{}{"world": map[string]string{"bar": "world"}}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(context string) string { return "Hello " + context }}, nil, "Hello world", }, { "nested parameter data does not fail with", `{{hello}}`, nil, map[string]interface{}{"foo": map[string]string{"bar": "world"}}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(context string) string { return "Hello " + context }}, nil, // @todo Test differs with JS implementation: we don't output `undefined` "Hello ", }, // @todo "parameter data throws when using complex scope references", { "data can be functions", `{{@hello}}`, nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func() string { return "hello" }}, nil, nil, "hello", }, { "data can be functions with params", `{{@hello "hello"}}`, nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(context string) string { return context }}, nil, nil, "hello", }, { "data is inherited downstream", `{{#let foo=1 bar=2}}{{#let foo=bar.baz}}{{@bar}}{{@foo}}{{/let}}{{@foo}}{{/let}}`, map[string]map[string]string{"bar": {"baz": "hello world"}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"let": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { frame := options.NewDataFrame() for k, v := range options.Hash() { frame.Set(k, v) } return options.FnData(frame) }}, nil, "2hello world1", }, { "passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with helpers in partials", `{{>myPartial}}`, map[string]string{"noun": "cat"}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy"}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.DataStr("adjective") + " " + options.ValueStr("noun") }}, map[string]string{ "myPartial": "{{hello}}", }, "happy cat", }, { "passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with helpers and parameters", `{{hello world}}`, map[string]interface{}{"exclaim": true, "world": "world"}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy"}, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(context string, options *handlebars.Options) string { str := "error" if b, ok := options.Value("exclaim").(bool); ok { if b { str = "!" } else { str = "" } } return options.DataStr("adjective") + " " + context + str }}, nil, "happy world!", }, { "passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with block helpers", `{{#hello}}{{world}}{{/hello}}`, map[string]bool{"exclaim": true}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy"}, map[string]interface{}{ "hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.Fn() }, "world": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { str := "error" if b, ok := options.Value("exclaim").(bool); ok { if b { str = "!" } else { str = "" } } return options.DataStr("adjective") + " world" + str }, }, nil, "happy world!", }, { "passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with block helpers that use ..", `{{#hello}}{{world ../zomg}}{{/hello}}`, map[string]interface{}{"exclaim": true, "zomg": "world"}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy"}, map[string]interface{}{ "hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.FnWith(map[string]string{"exclaim": "?"}) }, "world": func(context string, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.DataStr("adjective") + " " + context + options.ValueStr("exclaim") }, }, nil, "happy world?", }, { "passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - data is passed to with block helpers where children use ..", `{{#hello}}{{world ../zomg}}{{/hello}}`, map[string]interface{}{"exclaim": true, "zomg": "world"}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy", "accessData": "#win"}, map[string]interface{}{ "hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.DataStr("accessData") + " " + options.FnWith(map[string]string{"exclaim": "?"}) }, "world": func(context string, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.DataStr("adjective") + " " + context + options.ValueStr("exclaim") }, }, nil, "#win happy world?", }, { "you can override inherited data when invoking a helper", `{{#hello}}{{world zomg}}{{/hello}}`, map[string]interface{}{"exclaim": true, "zomg": "planet"}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy"}, map[string]interface{}{ "hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { ctx := map[string]string{"exclaim": "?", "zomg": "world"} data := options.NewDataFrame() data.Set("adjective", "sad") return options.FnCtxData(ctx, data) }, "world": func(context string, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.DataStr("adjective") + " " + context + options.ValueStr("exclaim") }, }, nil, "sad world?", }, { "you can override inherited data when invoking a helper with depth", `{{#hello}}{{world ../zomg}}{{/hello}}`, map[string]interface{}{"exclaim": true, "zomg": "world"}, map[string]interface{}{"adjective": "happy"}, map[string]interface{}{ "hello": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { ctx := map[string]string{"exclaim": "?"} data := options.NewDataFrame() data.Set("adjective", "sad") return options.FnCtxData(ctx, data) }, "world": func(context string, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.DataStr("adjective") + " " + context + options.ValueStr("exclaim") }, }, nil, "sad world?", }, { "@root - the root context can be looked up via @root", `{{}}`, map[string]interface{}{"foo": "hello"}, nil, nil, nil, "hello", }, { "@root - passed root values take priority", `{{}}`, nil, map[string]interface{}{"root": map[string]string{"foo": "hello"}}, nil, nil, "hello", }, { "nesting - the root context can be looked up via @root", `{{#helper}}{{#helper}}{{@./depth}} {{@../depth}} {{@../../depth}}{{/helper}}{{/helper}}`, map[string]interface{}{"foo": "hello"}, map[string]interface{}{"depth": 0}, map[string]interface{}{ "helper": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { data := options.NewDataFrame() if depth, ok := options.Data("depth").(int); ok { data.Set("depth", depth+1) } return options.FnData(data) }, }, nil, "2 1 0", }, } func TestData(t *testing.T) { launchTests(t, dataTests) }