package handlebarsjs import ( "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "" ) // // Helpers // func barSuffixHelper(context string) string { return "bar " + context } func echoHelper(str string) string { return str } func echoNbHelper(str string, nb int) string { result := "" for i := 0; i < nb; i++ { result += str } return result } func linkHelper(prefix string, options *handlebars.Options) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, prefix, options.ValueStr("url"), options.ValueStr("text")) } func rawHelper(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.Fn() } func rawThreeHelper(a, b, c string, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.Fn() + a + b + c } func formHelper(options *handlebars.Options) string { return "
" + options.Fn() + "
" } func formCtxHelper(context interface{}, options *handlebars.Options) string { return "
" + options.FnWith(context) + "
" } func listHelper(context interface{}, options *handlebars.Options) string { val := reflect.ValueOf(context) switch val.Kind() { case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: if val.Len() > 0 { result := "" return result } } return "

" + options.Inverse() + "

" } func blogHelper(val string) string { return "val is " + val } func equalHelper(a, b string) string { return handlebars.Str(a == b) } func dashHelper(a, b string) string { return a + "-" + b } func concatHelper(a, b string) string { return a + b } func detectDataHelper(options *handlebars.Options) string { if val, ok := options.DataFrame().Get("exclaim").(string); ok { return val } return "" } // Those tests come from: // // var helpersTests = []Test{ { "helper with complex lookup", "{{#goodbyes}}{{{link ../prefix}}}{{/goodbyes}}", map[string]interface{}{"prefix": "/root", "goodbyes": []map[string]string{{"text": "Goodbye", "url": "goodbye"}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"link": linkHelper}, nil, `Goodbye`, }, { "helper for raw block gets raw content", "{{{{raw}}}} {{test}} {{{{/raw}}}}", map[string]interface{}{"test": "hello"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"raw": rawHelper}, nil, " {{test}} ", }, { "helper for raw block gets parameters", "{{{{raw 1 2 3}}}} {{test}} {{{{/raw}}}}", map[string]interface{}{"test": "hello"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"raw": rawThreeHelper}, nil, " {{test}} 123", }, { "helper block with complex lookup expression", "{{#goodbyes}}{{../name}}{{/goodbyes}}", map[string]interface{}{"name": "Alan"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbyes": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { out := "" for _, str := range []string{"Goodbye", "goodbye", "GOODBYE"} { out += str + " " + options.FnWith(str) + "! " } return out }}, nil, "Goodbye Alan! goodbye Alan! GOODBYE Alan! ", }, { "helper with complex lookup and nested template", "{{#goodbyes}}{{#link ../prefix}}{{text}}{{/link}}{{/goodbyes}}", map[string]interface{}{"prefix": "/root", "goodbyes": []map[string]string{{"text": "Goodbye", "url": "goodbye"}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"link": linkHelper}, nil, `Goodbye`, }, { // note: The JS implementation returns undefined, we return empty string "helper returning undefined value (1)", " {{nothere}}", map[string]interface{}{}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"nothere": func() string { return "" }}, nil, " ", }, { // note: The JS implementation returns undefined, we return empty string "helper returning undefined value (2)", " {{#nothere}}{{/nothere}}", map[string]interface{}{}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"nothere": func() string { return "" }}, nil, " ", }, { "block helper", "{{#goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!", map[string]interface{}{"world": "world"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbyes": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.FnWith(map[string]string{"text": "GOODBYE"}) }}, nil, "GOODBYE! cruel world!", }, { "block helper staying in the same context", "{{#form}}


{{/form}}", map[string]interface{}{"name": "Yehuda"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"form": formHelper}, nil, "


", }, { "block helper should have context in this", "", map[string]interface{}{"people": []map[string]interface{}{{"name": "Alan", "id": 1}, {"name": "Yehuda", "id": 2}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"link": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s", options.ValueStr("id"), options.Fn()) }}, nil, ``, }, { "block helper for undefined value", "{{#empty}}shouldn't render{{/empty}}", nil, nil, nil, nil, "", }, { "block helper passing a new context", "{{#form yehuda}}


{{/form}}", map[string]map[string]string{"yehuda": {"name": "Yehuda"}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"form": formCtxHelper}, nil, "


", }, { "block helper passing a complex path context", "{{#form yehuda/cat}}


{{/form}}", map[string]map[string]interface{}{"yehuda": {"name": "Yehuda", "cat": map[string]string{"name": "Harold"}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"form": formCtxHelper}, nil, "


", }, { "nested block helpers", "{{#form yehuda}}


{{#link}}Hello{{/link}}{{/form}}", map[string]map[string]string{"yehuda": {"name": "Yehuda"}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"link": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s", options.ValueStr("name"), options.Fn()) }, "form": formCtxHelper}, nil, `


`, }, { "block helper inverted sections (1) - an inverse wrapper is passed in as a new context", "{{#list people}}{{name}}{{^}}Nobody's here{{/list}}", map[string][]map[string]string{"people": {{"name": "Alan"}, {"name": "Yehuda"}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"list": listHelper}, nil, ``, }, { "block helper inverted sections (2) - an inverse wrapper can be optionally called", "{{#list people}}{{name}}{{^}}Nobody's here{{/list}}", map[string][]map[string]string{"people": {}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"list": listHelper}, nil, `

Nobody's here

`, }, { "block helper inverted sections (3) - the context of an inverse is the parent of the block", "{{#list people}}Hello{{^}}{{message}}{{/list}}", map[string]interface{}{"people": []interface{}{}, "message": "Nobody's here"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"list": listHelper}, nil, `

Nobody's here

`, }, { "pathed lambdas with parameters (1)", "{{./helper 1}}", map[string]interface{}{ "helper": func(param int) string { return "winning" }, "hash": map[string]interface{}{ "helper": func(param int) string { return "winning" }, }, }, nil, map[string]interface{}{"./helper": func(param int) string { return "fail" }}, nil, "winning", }, { "pathed lambdas with parameters (2)", "{{hash/helper 1}}", map[string]interface{}{ "helper": func(param int) string { return "winning" }, "hash": map[string]interface{}{ "helper": func(param int) string { return "winning" }, }, }, nil, map[string]interface{}{"./helper": func(param int) string { return "fail" }}, nil, "winning", }, { "helpers hash - providing a helpers hash (1)", "Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!", map[string]interface{}{"cruel": "cruel"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"world": func() string { return "world" }}, nil, "Goodbye cruel world!", }, { "helpers hash - providing a helpers hash (2)", "Goodbye {{#iter}}{{cruel}} {{world}}{{/iter}}!", map[string]interface{}{"iter": []map[string]string{{"cruel": "cruel"}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"world": func() string { return "world" }}, nil, "Goodbye cruel world!", }, { "helpers hash - in cases of conflict, helpers win (1)", "{{{lookup}}}", map[string]interface{}{"lookup": "Explicit"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"lookup": func() string { return "helpers" }}, nil, "helpers", }, { "helpers hash - in cases of conflict, helpers win (2)", "{{lookup}}", map[string]interface{}{"lookup": "Explicit"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"lookup": func() string { return "helpers" }}, nil, "helpers", }, { "helpers hash - the helpers hash is available is nested contexts", "{{#outer}}{{#inner}}{{helper}}{{/inner}}{{/outer}}", map[string]interface{}{"outer": map[string]interface{}{"inner": map[string]interface{}{"unused": []string{}}}}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"helper": func() string { return "helper" }}, nil, "helper", }, // @todo "helpers hash - the helper hash should augment the global hash" // @todo "registration" { "decimal number literals work", "Message: {{hello -1.2 1.2}}", nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(times, times2 interface{}) string { ts, t2s := "NaN", "NaN" if v, ok := times.(float64); ok { ts = handlebars.Str(v) } if v, ok := times2.(float64); ok { t2s = handlebars.Str(v) } return "Hello " + ts + " " + t2s + " times" }}, nil, "Message: Hello -1.2 1.2 times", }, { "negative number literals work", "Message: {{hello -12}}", nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(times interface{}) string { ts := "NaN" if v, ok := times.(int); ok { ts = handlebars.Str(v) } return "Hello " + ts + " times" }}, nil, "Message: Hello -12 times", }, { "String literal parameters - simple literals work", `Message: {{hello "world" 12 true false}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(p, t, b, b2 interface{}) string { times, bool1, bool2 := "NaN", "NaB", "NaB" param, ok := p.(string) if !ok { param = "NaN" } if v, ok := t.(int); ok { times = handlebars.Str(v) } if v, ok := b.(bool); ok { bool1 = handlebars.Str(v) } if v, ok := b2.(bool); ok { bool2 = handlebars.Str(v) } return "Hello " + param + " " + times + " times: " + bool1 + " " + bool2 }}, nil, "Message: Hello world 12 times: true false", }, // @todo "using a quote in the middle of a parameter raises an error" { "String literal parameters - escaping a String is possible", "Message: {{{hello \"\\\"world\\\"\"}}}", nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(param string) string { return "Hello " + param }}, nil, `Message: Hello "world"`, }, { "String literal parameters - it works with ' marks", "Message: {{{hello \"Alan's world\"}}}", nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"hello": func(param string) string { return "Hello " + param }}, nil, `Message: Hello Alan's world`, }, { "multiple parameters - simple multi-params work", "Message: {{goodbye cruel world}}", map[string]string{"cruel": "cruel", "world": "world"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(cruel, world string) string { return "Goodbye " + cruel + " " + world }}, nil, "Message: Goodbye cruel world", }, { "multiple parameters - block multi-params work", "Message: {{#goodbye cruel world}}{{greeting}} {{adj}} {{noun}}{{/goodbye}}", map[string]string{"cruel": "cruel", "world": "world"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(cruel, world string, options *handlebars.Options) string { return options.FnWith(map[string]interface{}{"greeting": "Goodbye", "adj": cruel, "noun": world}) }}, nil, "Message: Goodbye cruel world", }, { "hash - helpers can take an optional hash", `{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" times=12}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.HashStr("world") + " " + options.HashStr("times") + " TIMES" }}, nil, "GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD 12 TIMES", }, { "hash - helpers can take an optional hash with booleans (1)", `{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" print=true}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { p, ok := options.HashProp("print").(bool) if ok { if p { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.HashStr("world") } return "NOT PRINTING" } return "THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN" }}, nil, "GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD", }, { "hash - helpers can take an optional hash with booleans (2)", `{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" print=false}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { p, ok := options.HashProp("print").(bool) if ok { if p { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.HashStr("world") } return "NOT PRINTING" } return "THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN" }}, nil, "NOT PRINTING", }, { "block helpers can take an optional hash", `{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" times=12}}world{{/goodbye}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.Fn() + " " + options.HashStr("times") + " TIMES" }}, nil, "GOODBYE CRUEL world 12 TIMES", }, { "block helpers can take an optional hash with single quoted stings", `{{#goodbye cruel='CRUEL' times=12}}world{{/goodbye}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.Fn() + " " + options.HashStr("times") + " TIMES" }}, nil, "GOODBYE CRUEL world 12 TIMES", }, { "block helpers can take an optional hash with booleans (1)", `{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" print=true}}world{{/goodbye}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { p, ok := options.HashProp("print").(bool) if ok { if p { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.Fn() } return "NOT PRINTING" } return "THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN" }}, nil, "GOODBYE CRUEL world", }, { "block helpers can take an optional hash with booleans (1)", `{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" print=false}}world{{/goodbye}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { p, ok := options.HashProp("print").(bool) if ok { if p { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.Fn() } return "NOT PRINTING" } return "THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN" }}, nil, "NOT PRINTING", }, // @todo "helperMissing - if a context is not found, helperMissing is used" throw error // @todo "helperMissing - if a context is not found, custom helperMissing is used" // @todo "helperMissing - if a value is not found, custom helperMissing is used" { "block helpers can take an optional hash with booleans (1)", `{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" print=false}}world{{/goodbye}}`, nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { p, ok := options.HashProp("print").(bool) if ok { if p { return "GOODBYE " + options.HashStr("cruel") + " " + options.Fn() } return "NOT PRINTING" } return "THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN" }}, nil, "NOT PRINTING", }, // @todo "knownHelpers/knownHelpersOnly" tests // @todo "blockHelperMissing" tests // @todo "name field" tests { "name conflicts - helpers take precedence over same-named context properties", `{{goodbye}} {{cruel world}}`, map[string]string{"goodbye": "goodbye", "world": "world"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{ "goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return strings.ToUpper(options.ValueStr("goodbye")) }, "cruel": func(world string) string { return "cruel " + strings.ToUpper(world) }, }, nil, "GOODBYE cruel WORLD", }, { "name conflicts - helpers take precedence over same-named context properties", `{{#goodbye}} {{cruel world}}{{/goodbye}}`, map[string]string{"goodbye": "goodbye", "world": "world"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{ "goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return strings.ToUpper(options.ValueStr("goodbye")) + options.Fn() }, "cruel": func(world string) string { return "cruel " + strings.ToUpper(world) }, }, nil, "GOODBYE cruel WORLD", }, { "name conflicts - Scoped names take precedence over helpers", `{{this.goodbye}} {{cruel world}} {{cruel this.goodbye}}`, map[string]string{"goodbye": "goodbye", "world": "world"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{ "goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return strings.ToUpper(options.ValueStr("goodbye")) }, "cruel": func(world string) string { return "cruel " + strings.ToUpper(world) }, }, nil, "goodbye cruel WORLD cruel GOODBYE", }, { "name conflicts - Scoped names take precedence over block helpers", `{{#goodbye}} {{cruel world}}{{/goodbye}} {{this.goodbye}}`, map[string]string{"goodbye": "goodbye", "world": "world"}, nil, map[string]interface{}{ "goodbye": func(options *handlebars.Options) string { return strings.ToUpper(options.ValueStr("goodbye")) + options.Fn() }, "cruel": func(world string) string { return "cruel " + strings.ToUpper(world) }, }, nil, "GOODBYE cruel WORLD goodbye", }, // @todo "block params" tests } func TestHelpers(t *testing.T) { launchTests(t, helpersTests) }