399 lines
9.3 KiB
399 lines
9.3 KiB
package handlebars
import (
// Options represents the options argument provided to helpers and context functions.
type Options struct {
// evaluation visitor
eval *evalVisitor
// params
params []interface{}
hash map[string]interface{}
// helpers stores all globally registered helpers
var helpers = make(map[string]reflect.Value)
// protects global helpers
var helpersMutex sync.RWMutex
func init() {
// register builtin helpers
RegisterHelper("if", ifHelper)
RegisterHelper("unless", unlessHelper)
RegisterHelper("with", withHelper)
RegisterHelper("each", eachHelper)
RegisterHelper("log", logHelper)
RegisterHelper("lookup", lookupHelper)
RegisterHelper("equal", equalHelper)
// RegisterHelper registers a global helper. That helper will be available to all templates.
func RegisterHelper(name string, helper interface{}) {
defer helpersMutex.Unlock()
if helpers[name] != zero {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Helper already registered: %s", name))
val := reflect.ValueOf(helper)
ensureValidHelper(name, val)
helpers[name] = val
// RegisterHelpers registers several global helpers. Those helpers will be available to all templates.
func RegisterHelpers(helpers map[string]interface{}) {
for name, helper := range helpers {
RegisterHelper(name, helper)
// RemoveHelper unregisters a global helper
func RemoveHelper(name string) {
defer helpersMutex.Unlock()
delete(helpers, name)
// RemoveAllHelpers unregisters all global helpers
func RemoveAllHelpers() {
defer helpersMutex.Unlock()
helpers = make(map[string]reflect.Value)
// ensureValidHelper panics if given helper is not valid
func ensureValidHelper(name string, funcValue reflect.Value) {
if funcValue.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Helper must be a function: %s", name))
funcType := funcValue.Type()
if funcType.NumOut() != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Helper function must return a string or a SafeString: %s", name))
// @todo Check if first returned value is a string, SafeString or interface{} ?
// findHelper finds a globally registered helper
func findHelper(name string) reflect.Value {
defer helpersMutex.RUnlock()
return helpers[name]
// newOptions instanciates a new Options
func newOptions(eval *evalVisitor, params []interface{}, hash map[string]interface{}) *Options {
return &Options{
eval: eval,
params: params,
hash: hash,
// newEmptyOptions instanciates a new empty Options
func newEmptyOptions(eval *evalVisitor) *Options {
return &Options{
eval: eval,
hash: make(map[string]interface{}),
// Context Values
// Value returns field value from current context.
func (options *Options) Value(name string) interface{} {
value := options.eval.evalField(options.eval.curCtx(), name, false)
if !value.IsValid() {
return nil
return value.Interface()
// ValueStr returns string representation of field value from current context.
func (options *Options) ValueStr(name string) string {
return Str(options.Value(name))
// Ctx returns current evaluation context.
func (options *Options) Ctx() interface{} {
return options.eval.curCtx().Interface()
// Hash Arguments
// HashProp returns hash property.
func (options *Options) HashProp(name string) interface{} {
return options.hash[name]
// HashStr returns string representation of hash property.
func (options *Options) HashStr(name string) string {
return Str(options.hash[name])
// Hash returns entire hash.
func (options *Options) Hash() map[string]interface{} {
return options.hash
// Parameters
// Param returns parameter at given position.
func (options *Options) Param(pos int) interface{} {
if len(options.params) > pos {
return options.params[pos]
return nil
// ParamStr returns string representation of parameter at given position.
func (options *Options) ParamStr(pos int) string {
return Str(options.Param(pos))
// Params returns all parameters.
func (options *Options) Params() []interface{} {
return options.params
// Private data
// Data returns private data value.
func (options *Options) Data(name string) interface{} {
return options.eval.dataFrame.Get(name)
// DataStr returns string representation of private data value.
func (options *Options) DataStr(name string) string {
return Str(options.eval.dataFrame.Get(name))
// DataFrame returns current private data frame.
func (options *Options) DataFrame() *DataFrame {
return options.eval.dataFrame
// NewDataFrame instanciates a new data frame that is a copy of current evaluation data frame.
// Parent of returned data frame is set to current evaluation data frame.
func (options *Options) NewDataFrame() *DataFrame {
return options.eval.dataFrame.Copy()
// newIterDataFrame instanciates a new data frame and set iteration specific vars
func (options *Options) newIterDataFrame(length int, i int, key interface{}) *DataFrame {
return options.eval.dataFrame.newIterDataFrame(length, i, key)
// Evaluation
// evalBlock evaluates block with given context, private data and iteration key
func (options *Options) evalBlock(ctx interface{}, data *DataFrame, key interface{}) string {
result := ""
if block := options.eval.curBlock(); (block != nil) && (block.Program != nil) {
result = options.eval.evalProgram(block.Program, ctx, data, key)
return result
// Fn evaluates block with current evaluation context.
func (options *Options) Fn() string {
return options.evalBlock(nil, nil, nil)
// FnCtxData evaluates block with given context and private data frame.
func (options *Options) FnCtxData(ctx interface{}, data *DataFrame) string {
return options.evalBlock(ctx, data, nil)
// FnWith evaluates block with given context.
func (options *Options) FnWith(ctx interface{}) string {
return options.evalBlock(ctx, nil, nil)
// FnData evaluates block with given private data frame.
func (options *Options) FnData(data *DataFrame) string {
return options.evalBlock(nil, data, nil)
// Inverse evaluates "else block".
func (options *Options) Inverse() string {
result := ""
if block := options.eval.curBlock(); (block != nil) && (block.Inverse != nil) {
result, _ = block.Inverse.Accept(options.eval).(string)
return result
// Eval evaluates field for given context.
func (options *Options) Eval(ctx interface{}, field string) interface{} {
if ctx == nil {
return nil
if field == "" {
return nil
val := options.eval.evalField(reflect.ValueOf(ctx), field, false)
if !val.IsValid() {
return nil
return val.Interface()
// Misc
// isIncludableZero returns true if 'includeZero' option is set and first param is the number 0
func (options *Options) isIncludableZero() bool {
b, ok := options.HashProp("includeZero").(bool)
if ok && b {
nb, ok := options.Param(0).(int)
if ok && nb == 0 {
return true
return false
// Builtin helpers
// #if block helper
func ifHelper(conditional interface{}, options *Options) interface{} {
if options.isIncludableZero() || IsTrue(conditional) {
return options.Fn()
return options.Inverse()
// #unless block helper
func unlessHelper(conditional interface{}, options *Options) interface{} {
if options.isIncludableZero() || IsTrue(conditional) {
return options.Inverse()
return options.Fn()
// #with block helper
func withHelper(context interface{}, options *Options) interface{} {
if IsTrue(context) {
return options.FnWith(context)
return options.Inverse()
// #each block helper
func eachHelper(context interface{}, options *Options) interface{} {
if !IsTrue(context) {
return options.Inverse()
result := ""
val := reflect.ValueOf(context)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
// computes private data
data := options.newIterDataFrame(val.Len(), i, nil)
// evaluates block
result += options.evalBlock(val.Index(i).Interface(), data, i)
case reflect.Map:
// note: a go hash is not ordered, so result may vary, this behaviour differs from the JS implementation
keys := val.MapKeys()
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
key := keys[i].Interface()
ctx := val.MapIndex(keys[i]).Interface()
// computes private data
data := options.newIterDataFrame(len(keys), i, key)
// evaluates block
result += options.evalBlock(ctx, data, key)
case reflect.Struct:
var exportedFields []int
// collect exported fields only
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
if tField := val.Type().Field(i); tField.PkgPath == "" {
exportedFields = append(exportedFields, i)
for i, fieldIndex := range exportedFields {
key := val.Type().Field(fieldIndex).Name
ctx := val.Field(fieldIndex).Interface()
// computes private data
data := options.newIterDataFrame(len(exportedFields), i, key)
// evaluates block
result += options.evalBlock(ctx, data, key)
return result
// #log helper
func logHelper(message string) interface{} {
return ""
// #lookup helper
func lookupHelper(obj interface{}, field string, options *Options) interface{} {
return Str(options.Eval(obj, field))
// #equal helper
// Ref: https://github.com/aymerick/raymond/issues/7
func equalHelper(a interface{}, b interface{}, options *Options) interface{} {
if Str(a) == Str(b) {
return options.Fn()
return options.Inverse()