
213 lines
8.7 KiB

"__ATTN__": "Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.",
"overview": "Lambdas are a special-cased data type for use in interpolations and\nsections.\n\nWhen used as the data value for an Interpolation tag, the lambda MUST be\ntreatable as an arity 0 function, and invoked as such. The returned value\nMUST be rendered against the default delimiters, then interpolated in place\nof the lambda.\n\nWhen used as the data value for a Section tag, the lambda MUST be treatable\nas an arity 1 function, and invoked as such (passing a String containing the\nunprocessed section contents). The returned value MUST be rendered against\nthe current delimiters, then interpolated in place of the section.\n",
"tests": [
"name": "Interpolation",
"desc": "A lambda's return value should be interpolated.",
"data": {
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { \"world\" }",
"raku": "sub { \"world\" }",
"perl": "sub { \"world\" }",
"js": "function() { return \"world\" }",
"php": "return \"world\";",
"python": "lambda: \"world\"",
"clojure": "(fn [] \"world\")",
"lisp": "(lambda () \"world\")",
"pwsh": "\"world\""
"template": "Hello, {{lambda}}!",
"expected": "Hello, world!"
"name": "Interpolation - Expansion",
"desc": "A lambda's return value should be parsed.",
"data": {
"planet": "world",
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { \"{{planet}}\" }",
"raku": "sub { q+{{planet}}+ }",
"perl": "sub { \"{{planet}}\" }",
"js": "function() { return \"{{planet}}\" }",
"php": "return \"{{planet}}\";",
"python": "lambda: \"{{planet}}\"",
"clojure": "(fn [] \"{{planet}}\")",
"lisp": "(lambda () \"{{planet}}\")",
"pwsh": "\"{{planet}}\""
"template": "Hello, {{lambda}}!",
"expected": "Hello, world!"
"name": "Interpolation - Alternate Delimiters",
"desc": "A lambda's return value should parse with the default delimiters.",
"data": {
"planet": "world",
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { \"|planet| => {{planet}}\" }",
"raku": "sub { q+|planet| => {{planet}}+ }",
"perl": "sub { \"|planet| => {{planet}}\" }",
"js": "function() { return \"|planet| => {{planet}}\" }",
"php": "return \"|planet| => {{planet}}\";",
"python": "lambda: \"|planet| => {{planet}}\"",
"clojure": "(fn [] \"|planet| => {{planet}}\")",
"lisp": "(lambda () \"|planet| => {{planet}}\")",
"pwsh": "\"|planet| => {{planet}}\""
"template": "{{= | | =}}\nHello, (|&lambda|)!",
"expected": "Hello, (|planet| => world)!"
"name": "Interpolation - Multiple Calls",
"desc": "Interpolated lambdas should not be cached.",
"data": {
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { $calls ||= 0; $calls += 1 }",
"raku": "sub { state $calls += 1 }",
"perl": "sub { no strict; $calls += 1 }",
"js": "function() { return (g=(function(){return this})()).calls=(g.calls||0)+1 }",
"php": "global $calls; return ++$calls;",
"python": "lambda: globals().update(calls=globals().get(\"calls\",0)+1) or calls",
"clojure": "(def g (atom 0)) (fn [] (swap! g inc))",
"lisp": "(let ((g 0)) (lambda () (incf g)))",
"pwsh": "if (($null -eq $script:calls) -or ($script:calls -ge 3)){$script:calls=0}; ++$script:calls; $script:calls"
"template": "{{lambda}} == {{{lambda}}} == {{lambda}}",
"expected": "1 == 2 == 3"
"name": "Escaping",
"desc": "Lambda results should be appropriately escaped.",
"data": {
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { \">\" }",
"raku": "sub { \">\" }",
"perl": "sub { \">\" }",
"js": "function() { return \">\" }",
"php": "return \">\";",
"python": "lambda: \">\"",
"clojure": "(fn [] \">\")",
"lisp": "(lambda () \">\")",
"pwsh": "\">\""
"template": "<{{lambda}}{{{lambda}}}",
"expected": "<&gt;>"
"name": "Section",
"desc": "Lambdas used for sections should receive the raw section string.",
"data": {
"x": "Error!",
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { |text| text == \"{{x}}\" ? \"yes\" : \"no\" }",
"raku": "sub { $^section eq q+{{x}}+ ?? \"yes\" !! \"no\" }",
"perl": "sub { $_[0] eq \"{{x}}\" ? \"yes\" : \"no\" }",
"js": "function(txt) { return (txt == \"{{x}}\" ? \"yes\" : \"no\") }",
"php": "return ($text == \"{{x}}\") ? \"yes\" : \"no\";",
"python": "lambda text: text == \"{{x}}\" and \"yes\" or \"no\"",
"clojure": "(fn [text] (if (= text \"{{x}}\") \"yes\" \"no\"))",
"lisp": "(lambda (text) (if (string= text \"{{x}}\") \"yes\" \"no\"))",
"pwsh": "if ($args[0] -eq \"{{x}}\") {\"yes\"} else {\"no\"}"
"template": "<{{#lambda}}{{x}}{{/lambda}}>",
"expected": "<yes>"
"name": "Section - Expansion",
"desc": "Lambdas used for sections should have their results parsed.",
"data": {
"planet": "Earth",
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { |text| \"#{text}{{planet}}#{text}\" }",
"raku": "sub { $^section ~ q+{{planet}}+ ~ $^section }",
"perl": "sub { $_[0] . \"{{planet}}\" . $_[0] }",
"js": "function(txt) { return txt + \"{{planet}}\" + txt }",
"php": "return $text . \"{{planet}}\" . $text;",
"python": "lambda text: \"%s{{planet}}%s\" % (text, text)",
"clojure": "(fn [text] (str text \"{{planet}}\" text))",
"lisp": "(lambda (text) (format nil \"~a{{planet}}~a\" text text))",
"pwsh": "\"$($args[0]){{planet}}$($args[0])\""
"template": "<{{#lambda}}-{{/lambda}}>",
"expected": "<-Earth->"
"name": "Section - Alternate Delimiters",
"desc": "Lambdas used for sections should parse with the current delimiters.",
"data": {
"planet": "Earth",
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { |text| \"#{text}{{planet}} => |planet|#{text}\" }",
"raku": "sub { $^section ~ q+{{planet}} => |planet|+ ~ $^section }",
"perl": "sub { $_[0] . \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" . $_[0] }",
"js": "function(txt) { return txt + \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" + txt }",
"php": "return $text . \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" . $text;",
"python": "lambda text: \"%s{{planet}} => |planet|%s\" % (text, text)",
"clojure": "(fn [text] (str text \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" text))",
"lisp": "(lambda (text) (format nil \"~a{{planet}} => |planet|~a\" text text))",
"pwsh": "\"$($args[0]){{planet}} => |planet|$($args[0])\""
"template": "{{= | | =}}<|#lambda|-|/lambda|>",
"expected": "<-{{planet}} => Earth->"
"name": "Section - Multiple Calls",
"desc": "Lambdas used for sections should not be cached.",
"data": {
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { |text| \"__#{text}__\" }",
"raku": "sub { \"__\" ~ $^section ~ \"__\" }",
"perl": "sub { \"__\" . $_[0] . \"__\" }",
"js": "function(txt) { return \"__\" + txt + \"__\" }",
"php": "return \"__\" . $text . \"__\";",
"python": "lambda text: \"__%s__\" % (text)",
"clojure": "(fn [text] (str \"__\" text \"__\"))",
"lisp": "(lambda (text) (format nil \"__~a__\" text))",
"pwsh": "\"__$($args[0])__\""
"template": "{{#lambda}}FILE{{/lambda}} != {{#lambda}}LINE{{/lambda}}",
"expected": "__FILE__ != __LINE__"
"name": "Inverted Section",
"desc": "Lambdas used for inverted sections should be considered truthy.",
"data": {
"static": "static",
"lambda": {
"__tag__": "code",
"ruby": "proc { |text| false }",
"raku": "sub { 0 }",
"perl": "sub { 0 }",
"js": "function(txt) { return false }",
"php": "return false;",
"python": "lambda text: 0",
"clojure": "(fn [text] false)",
"lisp": "(lambda (text) (declare (ignore text)) nil)",
"pwsh": "$false"
"template": "<{{^lambda}}{{static}}{{/lambda}}>",
"expected": "<>"