services: postgres: image: postgres:15-bullseye ports: - 5432:5432 restart: on-failure:10 environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password POSTGRES_USER: watcher POSTGRES_DB: watcher healthcheck: test: "pg_isready -U watcher -d watcher" interval: 30s timeout: 10s retries: 10 start_period: 30s kafka: image: restart: on-failure:10 ports: - 9092:9092 command: - redpanda start - --smp 1 - --memory 1G - --reserve-memory 0M - --overprovisioned - --node-id 0 - --check=false - --pandaproxy-addr PLAINTEXT://,OUTSIDE:// - --advertise-pandaproxy-addr PLAINTEXT://kafka:8082,OUTSIDE://localhost:8082 - --kafka-addr PLAINTEXT://,OUTSIDE:// - --advertise-kafka-addr PLAINTEXT://kafka:29092,OUTSIDE://localhost:9092 - --rpc-addr - --advertise-rpc-addr kafka:33145 healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "rpk", "cluster", "health" ] interval: 30s timeout: 15s retries: 3 start_period: 60s # This is for vieweing the Kafka topics and the contents within it. # If you're like me, you don't really need this bit, just do unit test like usual. # If it's works, that it'll work. kafka-console: image: environment: KAFKA_BROKERS: kafka:29092 ports: - 8080:8080 depends_on: kafka: condition: service_healthy inserter: build: ./inserter environment: DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://watcher:password@postgres:5432/watcher?sslmode=disable" restart: on-failure:5 depends_on: postgres: condition: service_healthy